
Strategic Planning and Decision Making

Strategic planning is a process that facilitates the establishment of long-range goals and objectives for an organization. This is true for private companies as it is for public institutions, agencies, or departments, although context and constraints differ. Strategic planning is about introducing change. Strategic Decision-Making involves tackling the major issues our organizations face and reaching the best decision possible – often working in a group. This seminar focuses on initiating and managing the Strategic planning and decision-making cycle so that these processes will deliver the desired results effectively and on time.

Register for Next Training Session

October 7 to October 18, 2024
Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
10 days
US$ 5 500

Practical Objectives

Understand what Strategic Planning is and its relevance when managing an organization or department.

Master the processes and tools of the Strategic Planning and Strategic Decision-Making processes.

Build capacity to initiate, implement and supervise the Strategic Plan in your organization.

Ensure implementation of the Strategic Plan or Strategic Decisions that we develop.

Training Seminar Topics

What is Strategic Planning

Answering four questions: Where do we stand today? Where do we want to be in 3-10 years? How do we get there? How do we monitor and evaluate progress towards our objectives? The value of a strategic plan is determined by the quality and rigour of the strategic planning process used to prepare it.

Making Strategic Decisions

A Strategic Decision is one where the stakes or consequences are high – for either our organization, team or for us personally. How can we create a culture and use one of the many decision-making processes so that the probability of arriving at the best possible decision with the maximum “buy-in” is achieved?

Get the Strategic Plan/Decisions approved

Budgeting the Plan, allocate budgets for projects and programmes. Results-based budgeting. Pushing the Plan through the different organizational levels.

Supervise the Implementation, Evaluation and Monitoring

Many strategic plans are never implemented. Or, they are partially implemented but the organization does not achieve the original, intended results. We need to create strategic maps, create project portfolios, guidelines and hold timely reviews based upon performance-based monitoring.